17 Sustainable Development Goals: Project/Program, Information, and Opinion

1. No Poverty 

    a. project/program 

     Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) 

    b. information 


     This is a program implemented by the government’s DSWD to aid the poorest of the poor’s living condition and its development by means of providing conditional cash grants, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of the children. 

    c. opinion   

   Based on some articles that I have read, this program seems to be effective in helping the socioeconomic status of the less fortunate people. I am glad that the DSWD pulled this off for years, and I’m hoping that they can maintain and improve it more on the next few years so that less and less Filipino families will face the problem of not knowing the security of their children’s future. 

2. Zero Hunger 

     a. project/program 

     Fill the Nutrition Gap 

    b. information 

This is a program conducted by the World

Food Programme (WFP); wherein, through collecting and  analyzing nutrition data and situations, they identify the  reasons and barriers faced by the most vulnerable when  accessing/consuming nutritious meals. 

            The project is carried out in collaboration with a range  of national stakeholders and its results are used to inform  policies and programming in social protection, food systems,  health, agriculture, education and other sectors that can contribute to improving nutrition.

    c. opinion 

            There’s this Arab proverb that goes, “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” And true enough, it can all only start with a good and proper meal every day. There are a lot of people out there, starving and ill due to lack of food and/or nutrition in their system. So, having these kinds of organizations who took their time thinking and making reports to give out to groups who can act, and help is something I really am grateful for. 

3. Good Health and Well-being 

    a. project/program 

        World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO - FCTC) 

    b. information 


           The objective of this convention and its protocols is to protect present and futuregenerations from the devastating health, socialenvironmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke by providing a framework for tobacco control measures to be implemented by the parties at the national, regional and  international levels in order to reduce continually and substantially the prevalence of tobacco use and exposure  

to tobacco smoke. 

    c. opinion 

                Personally, I know a lot of people who smoke like their life depends on it. Well, it will if they don’t stop. It’s sad that they can’t control their use of tobacco. Although, I know that only they can help themselves, but figuring out that there is an actual plan to help people to, at least, lessen their habit of doing it somehow gives me hope and I believe that this action can, indeed, make a difference. 

4. Quality Education 

    a. project/program 

        CHED-Tulong Dunong Scholarship 

    b. information 

        This is scholarship, intended for the high school graduates whose GWA is at least a passing grade and who will enroll in identified priority courses in duly authorized public or private HEIs, aims to exclusively give financial assistance to qualified and  

deserving students. 

    c. opinion 

                Education is a right and knowledge is power, that’s what they say. But we also know that due to lack of resources, a lot of yesterday’s people did not pursue their education. And that’s what we’re changing, we need today’s people to have a better quality of education. Providing scholarships for the marginalized is a big help and I believe that by preparing and equipping this whole new generation with knowledge and experiences, someday, they will be using this for the betterment of our country. 

5. Gender Equality 

a. project/program 

    Gender and Development Program (GAD)  

 b. information

This program seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices and promotes that women are active agents of development, not just passive recipients of development. GAD focuses on Gender Mainstreaming or  

a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns  

and experiences an integral dimension of the design,  

implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in all social,  political, civil, and economic spheres so that women and men benefit equally. As well as  assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation,  policies or programs in all areas and at all levels 

c. opinion 

Seeing/reading/hearing the way it was before, there is no doubt that the society’s perception on genders have changed a lot, for the better. Although there are still traditionalists who prefers seeing women in the house doing chores and stuffs, I can say that by every passing generation, it gets better, everyone becomes more open-minded about changes from the norms. Nevertheless, projects, that invoke women’s right to be involved and considered, like this one will always mean a lot for us and the next ones because they are the ones who thought and fought  

for our inclusion. They are the reason why our present is more accepting than it was back then. 

6. Clean Water and Sanitation 

a. project/program 

PRO-WATER: Promoting water and sanitation access, integrity,  empowerment, rights and resiliency

b. information 

This is a collaborative multi-sectoral  

action, supported by the Spanish Government in  partnership with the UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, UN  WOMEN together with DILG, DOH, NWRB and  PCW; with selected Provincial and Municipal  Governments, Civil Society Organizations,  Academia, Private Sector, community groups, and  women and girls, with the goal of; 1) improving governance of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene at all levels, especially local; 2) broadening access through improved solutions that are  demonstrated in the implementation of safe water, sanitation and hygiene that will benefit most  especially women and girls in households, schools, health centers and public spaces; 3)  generating knowledge utilized to aid policy advocacy, planning, capacity building based on the  experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of integrated safe water, sanitation and  hygiene. 

c. opinion 

It saddens me that clean water availability on certain areas is still a problem on a world where technologies are very advanced. We could’ve used ideas and inventions to connect with these areas. Still, witnessing a group of people trying their best to make it work for everyone is an incredible thing. And I hope, soon, we will be living in a world where everyone meets their daily needs. 

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 

a. project/program 

National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) 

b. information 

This outlines the policy framework  

enshrined in Republic Act 9513. It sets the strategic building blocks that will help the country achieve the goals set forth in the Renewable Energy Act of 2008. The NREP signals the country's big leap from fragmented and halting RE initiatives into a focused and sustained drive towards energy security and improved access to clean energy. 

c. opinion 

I believe that this program perfectly fits the needed solution for the lack of non renewable resources used to power the world. I love how we can affordably obtain this energy, without harming the ecosystem. Although, some places may be in progress of attaining this, a progress is a progress and someday, hopefully, mostly all the places will be doing it the right way. 

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 

a. project/program 

Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 

b. information 

This serves as the integrated

strategic roadmap for national stakeholders and international partners in supporting the labor and employment goals and priorities of the country’s 25-year long-term plan called AmBisyon Natin 2040. 

                        It focuses on the following country priorities: 1) Productive, remunerative, freely chosen,  green and sustainable work and employment opportunities available for all Filipino women and  men willing to work; 2) Improved labour market governance which ensures respect for all rights  at work, including fundamental principles and rights at work, international labour standards and  human rights; 3) Equitable social protection that is available and accessible to all. 

c. opinion 

Having a job is one thing, but having one that someone can truly love and enjoy? That’s everything. A lot of Filipino minds and skills are being wasted and/or shared/given to other countries because of the working conditions in our country. And that’s alarming, because would we wait for all Filipino workers to choose working for another country, for they can provide better benefits? By having this project, I hope we can make a better work environment for everyone.

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 

a. project/program 

Inclusive Innovation Industrial Strategy (i3S)  

b. information 

                                 This aims at growing innovative and globally competitive manufacturing,      
             agriculture, and services while strengthening their linkages into domestic and global value                 chains with innovation at  the core of the country’s strategic policies and programs. 

                                   It prioritizes the growth and                          development of major industries covering                         automotive, electronics and electrical, aerospace             parts,  chemicals, iron and steel and tool and die,             garments, textiles, and furniture, shipbuilding,                     tourism,  IT-business process management                         particularly knowledge process outsourcing and             E-commerce,  agribusiness, construction, and                    infrastructure and logistics. 

c. opinion 

It is actually a great thing to have a project like this in our country because most Filipinos have depended on foreign countries when it comes to the latest technology and advancement. I think, involving the mass in the making and development would be of help to both our economy and innovation. The discoveries the world has now have all started as an absurd idea, anyway. In addition, it can help the economy because they’ll be more attached in our system, they’ll have this competitive mindset that this product our country is producing is of good quality too. I believe that, with adequate mind power and resources, maintaining and developing this project further in the long run can possibly make our country running along with the developed and advanced ones.  

10. Reduced Inequality 

a. project/program 

Universal Health Care Law (UHC) 

b. information 

About 110 million Filipinos, based on the Philippine Statistics Authority 

consensus, are now eligible to receive universal healthcare. They will also be granted access to all health care services in accredited public facilities, as well as basic accommodations in accredited private health care institutions (HCI). All Filipino citizens are automatically eligible to avail the  government’s health benefits packages. 

c. opinion 

A good health is the most valuable possession someone can have, because without it, how can we even enjoy our lives? Maybe for those who have enough on their purses, this law didn’t seem so grand, but for those who barely have enough, this is a lot. Imagine uncertainly worrying for your health because you don’t have a budget for it, now we won’t need to. It may not cover all bills, but I believe it will be enough for us not to fear check-ups to monitor our health situation. I am certain that the passage of this law has changed lives and will still do. 

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 

a. project/program 

“Green, Green, Green” Program 

b. information 

It is a unique assistance program, 

            by Department of Budget and Management,                         that aims to make the Philippines' 145 cities more  

livable and sustainable through the development of  public open spaces. 

To make good public open spaces  

common in the country and not an exception. This will be evident when by year 2022, each of the 145 Philippine cities has completed a catalytic  public open space project that improves the quality of life for Filipinos living in urban areas.

            c. opinion 

I love greeneries. It’s relaxing and peaceful and I believe that, that is one of the things to be considered when creating a livable and sustainable communities. In addition, it can create an atmosphere of home and freshness, making the people on it be amicable to one another. But one of the greatest benefits of these kinds of cities and communities is that it helps our environment to be sustainable and eco-friendly. I am really hoping that this will be thoroughly planned and conducted for I know that this will have a huge impact on our country. 

12. Responsible Consumption and Production 

a. project/program 

Clean Air Program 

b. information 

                                    Its goal is to come up with                  a comprehensive national program to achieve

and maintain air quality that meets the  

National Air Quality Guidelines for Criteria  

Pollutants throughout the Philippines, while  

minimizing the possible associated negative impacts on the country’s economy. Thus, in order to effectively monitor and regulate all sources of air emissions, the Clean Air Program is  divided into three sub programs: (1) Motor Vehicle Emission Management Program, (2) Industrial  Emission Management Program, (3) Roadside ambient and general ambient air monitoring. This  is to effectively manage the three sources of air emission namely mobile, stationary, and area  sources. 

c. opinion 

I wholeheartedly support this program for we should be responsible for our own  actions. We do things, we make mistakes, then what? We should think of ideas to prevent  repeating those mistakes, or at least compensate for what you have done. Conducting and  participating on programs like these can make a difference. If we can’t stop doing something  that harms another, we could, for the very least, be responsible and take our parts on taking  care of the thing we are harming.  

13. Climate Action 

a. project/program 

Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and

Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA)  

b. information 

                                    This aims to minimize Department                             of Agriculture’s institutional risks and protect                                 government investments; and adjust development                         programs/ projects and approaches to address Climate              Change risks. 

c. opinion 

Climate change is something we all know 

is frightening, but somehow, we always find ourselves forgetting it’s preventive measures. That alone can prove how we can’t fix a problem if we don’t put our focus on it. That’s the advantages of having organizations and programs to organize and make an act that will create a ripple effect. Now will always be the best time to move. 

14. Life Below Water 

a. project/program 

Republic Act No. 10654 

b. Information                               

                        An act to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, amending republic act no. 8550, otherwise known as “The Philippine Fisheries Code Of 1998” To ensure the rational and sustainable development, management and conservation of the fishery and aquatic resources in Philippine waters including the exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and in the adjacent high seas, consistent with the primordial objective of maintaining a sound ecological balance, protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment. The Philippines shall pursue its  commitment to international conventions and cooperate with other states and international bodies,  in order to conserve and manage threatened , aquatic species, straddling and highly migratory  fish stocks and other living marine resources. 

c. opinion 

It is miserable to see and witness aquatic resources being destroyed and taken for granted, so knowing that efforts to save the marine life are continuously being made makes me feel at ease a little. Only a little because I know this is something, but it may not be enough. Why? Although passing this law makes rules to lessen pollution, unsolicited fishing and destruction on water, but this does not necessarily mean everyone will follow it. I know that lack of discipline among people, especially the desperate and the powerful, is also one of the most contributing factors here. 

15. Life on Land 

a. project/program 

Community-Based Forest  

Management (CBFM) 

b. Information 

                                       It is currently the                          Philippines’ major strategy for the sustainable                 development of the country’s forest resources             and social justice. Its evolution as a policy and                 practice in forest management may be gleaned             from the major government policies and                             programs that were initiated by both the colonial             and independent Philippine Government.


c. opinion 

When we travel on high places, like Tagaytay, Baguio and Antipolo, we witness big patches of brown and multiple roofs when looking at the places below us. Thinking that they used to be trees makes me feel regret, even if I am not the one who did that. Subdivisions and infrastructures have been really taking a huge toll on our plains, forests and mountains. By this project, I hope communities all over the country will get to participate on it and make their places better than it ever was. 

16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions 

a. project/program 

Campaigns on Civil and Political Rights of Philippine Alliance of Human Rights  

Advocates (PAHRA) 

b. information 

That we shall promote a strong  

awareness and commitment for human rights in Philippine society and shall strengthen democratic forces to fight and resist all forms of repression that prevent the people from exercising their basic rights; That we shall exert all efforts to uphold the supremacy of the civilian authority and institutions over the military; That we shall work to seek  justice and indemnification for all victims of human rights violations. 

c. opinion 

Human rights have been a big issue in the Philippines since forever. Though, I am not particularly sure why it should be. Human rights. What’s so wrong with that, that most people find it hard to respect the right of one another? This should be something normal, not controversial. Through these campaigns which resists repressions, I am optimistic that someday, we will have a better social order and humanity will arise again. 

17. Partnerships to achieve the goal 

a. project/program 

Water and Sanitation Program 

b. Information 

                                     It is a multi-donor partnership, part             of the World Bank Group’s Water Global Practice,             supporting poor people in obtaining affordable,                 safe, and sustainable access to water and                     sanitation services. They have led or supported                 many of the advances made within the water                 and sanitation sector over the last three                             decades. We are able to share best practices                 across regions and place a strong focus on                     capacity-building by forming partnerships with                 academia, civil society organizations, donors,  governments, media, private sector, and others.             Our work helps to affect the regulatory and  structural changes needed for broad water and                sanitation sector reform.

c. opinion 

A single act can make a difference, we say. But try imagining what a group of people, fighting the same problem, can do. I am glad that there are these organizations who are willing to take a step further and connect with people/groups who can help them achieve their vision/goal. It will always be better to have multiple groups implementing and acting on the same program for it means it will reach more people all over the world. 

            P. Joshielle

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